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Form 1099-MISC: Independent Contractor Income
If you’re an independent contractor, freelancer, or self-employed, you will receive a Form 1099-MISC from every business or individual who paid you more than $600 in the previous year.
Form 1099-DIV: Interest and Dividends
If you receive interest or dividends on stock investments or mutual funds, you will receive a Form 1099-MISC that reports on this income. This form is independent of the form you receive from making or losing money by buying or selling stocks, which is a Form 1099-B.
Form 1099-G: Government Payouts
If you receive payments from the state or federal government over the course of the year, usually in the form of unemployment checks or tax refunds, you will receive a Form 1099-G.
Form 1099-C: Debt Cancellation
If a creditor cancels a portion of your debt that you no longer owe, you will receive a Form 1099-C that reports on that amount as taxable income.
Form 1099-R: Retirement Account Withdrawals
If you withdraw money from your retirement account prior to officially retiring, that is considered taxable income, and you will receive a Form 1099-R will show the amount of the withdrawal that is taxable.
How to Fill Out a 1099 Form

Fill out Form 1099s with tax information of the contractor and your business.
File forms with each independent contractor and the IRS.

General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3
Who must file Form W-2.
You must file Form(s) W-2 if you have one or more employees to whom you made payments (including noncash payments) for the employees’ services in your trade or business during 2018. Complete and file Form W-2 for each employee for whom any of the following applies (even if the employee is related to you).
- You withheld any income, social security, or Medicare tax from wages regardless of the amount of wages; or
- You would have had to withhold income tax if the employee had claimed no more than one withholding allowance or had not claimed exemption from with holding on Form W-4; or
- You paid $600 or more in wages even if you did not withhold any income, social security, or Medicare tax.
Who must file Form W-3.
Anyone required to file Form W-2 must file Form W-3 to transmit Copy A of Forms W-2. Make a copy of Form W-3, keep it and Copy D (For Employer) of Forms W-2 with your records for 4 years. Be sure to use Form W-3 for the correct year. If you are filing Forms W-2 electronically, also see E-filing.
Household employers
- It is authorized to sign by an agency agreement (whether oral, written, or implied) that is valid under state law; and
- It writes “For (name of payer)” next to the signature (paper Form W-3 only).
Extension of time to file Forms W-2 with the SSA
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have an additional 30 days to file. The IRS will grant extensions to file Forms W-2 only in limited cases for extraordinary circumstances or catastrophe, such as a natural disaster or fire destroying the books and records needed for filing the forms. No additional extension of time to file will be allowed. See Form 8809 for details.
- Your name and address,
- Your EIN,
- A statement that you are requesting an extension to furnish “Forms W-2” to employees,
- YThe reason for delay and
- Your signature or that of your authorized agent.
Undeliverable Forms W-2
Taxpayer identification numbers (TINs).
Employers use an employer identification number (EIN) (XX-XXXXXXX). Employees use a social security number (SSN) (XXX-XX-XXXX). When you list a number, separate the nine digits properly to show the kind of number.