The quantitative analysis demonstrates that when both of the formal sectors undergo capital using technological progress anabolic steroids, urban informal wage may improve, provided the vertically integrated formal sector could save more on the capital cost of production compared to the relatively capital intensive formal sector and capital flows to the informal sectors. This helps understand trends in urban poverty given the strong association between urban informal wage and the degree of urban poverty.Finally, Chapter 6 develops a multi sector full employment general equilibrium model with internationally non traded goods and international fragmentation in skill intensive production, to understand the mechanism how trade induced productivity improvement in the skill intensive sector gets channelized to the informal sector(s) (in terms of real wages and employment conditions) through the existence of finished non tradable and the corresponding domestic demand supply forces. The underlying developing economy is characterised by dual unskilled labour market with unionised formal and non unionised informal sectors, consistent with the empirical literature on developing economies like India.

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